Protect Yourself from Listing Fraud

Listing fraud and seller impersonation has become
a very serious threat in the real estate community. 

Agents are getting deceived into taking listings from fraudsters and in some cases even going all the way under contract or closing!  The instances of fraud continues to rise and rise. 

Join us on February 8th to attend our fraud avoidance class taught by Latra Szal, President of Texas National Title.  In this class we will discuss various types of fraud that we are seeing and the steps agents can try to take to avoid accidentally participating in a fraud.  You will also learn how this recent fraud can affect your real estate closings. 

Wednesday, February 8
10:00-11:00am | Zoom Video

Our closing teams at Texas National Title are the experts that you need and the partners that you can trust in all things escrow and title! Please join us for the Zoom and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions that you have.

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