Good To Know

Phishing Scams

Phishing scammers use multiple tactics to trick you into giving them your personal information. They may try to steal your passwords, account numbers, or Social Security numbers. With that information, they could gain access to your email, bank, or other accounts. Scammers launch thousands of phishing attacks like these every day and they’re often successful. But there are several things you can do to protect yourself and recover if you become a victim. Use the information contained in this flyer to educate yourself and others. Don't get reeled in by phishing scams!
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Home Renovation Projects

Home renovations can be costly, time-consuming and messy. Whether your goal is to increase the comfort and enjoyment of your current home or to prepare a property for sale, make sure that you choose the right projects for your investment dollars and time. While some projects only satisfy one or the other, included in this flyer are ten go-to projects that achieve both of these purposes.
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Seasonal Home Maintenance Schedule

A home maintenance schedule is important for every home’s upkeep and your comfort. Use these home maintenance tips as a checklist to help schedule your seasonal updates, repairs, and cleaning. Preventative maintenance will help impede breakdowns, save money, and keep your home looking its best.
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Understanding Your Credit Score

While there are many factors that go into qualifying you to purchase a home, your credit score is the most important. Use the info included in this flyer to estimate how your credit score will measure up when applying for a home mortgage loan and other credit opportunities.
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Realtor Safety Tips

Because of the nature of the Real Estate Agent job, you often find yourself in new and possibly unfamiliar surroundings, while most likely alone. Be safe out there! Taking these precautions can help keep you safe in several situations that you may find yourself in.
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Keep A Healthy Home

It’s that time of the year again to start thinking about spring cleaning, which normally, people associate with a once a year deep clean. Adding the steps within this flyer to your daily routine can help create a “spring clean” home year-round, as well as protect it from damage, and lower the risk of illness for you and your household.
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